
Located at
the Memorial Town Building
1 Main Street
The archive Team preserves our collection of local documents, photographs and artifacts. Currently, they are digitizing the entire collection. Soon we hope to conserve some of the rarest and most valuable artifacts; A Dorr Rebellion Flag and original canvas portraits of Thomas Dorr and Dr. Metcalf Marsh.
The Association collects and displays many historic artifacts in the Forestdale School.

Please Lend or Gift Artifacts to Us
We gladly accept loans and gifts of local artifacts to preserve for future generations. We will provide a receipt for a tax deduction.
Or allow us photograph or scan images into our database so we can share them with future generations.

Dorr Rebellion Flag
During the 50 years since the it was founded, town residents have donated hundreds of local relics to the NSHA for safekeeping.
One of the most valuable relics is the rare 1842 Dorr Rebellion Flag used by "Slaterville" Supporters.
Another is a Civil War U.S. calvary sword manufactured in Forestdale by the Mansfield and Lamb Co.

Model 1860 U.S. Calvary Sword